
Friday, August 20, 2010

Welcome to Mommy Blogger Confidential!

Welcome to Mommy Blogger Confidential!

This is my brand new blog!

I am professional blogger, but my other blog is my job. It provides a steady source of income for my family, so while I love it, I can’t always say everything I want to on my other blog. For one, it is a niche blog so I prefer to stay focused on the topic. Also, everyone I know and I do mean EVERYONE knows of that blog and most do follow or at least check it occasionally. I can’t possibly complain about the people I know or spill my guts about my life in general without everyone knowing about it. Therefore, this blog will remain anonymous.

Blogging has been a wonderful way to express myself. I love to write and now I have a place to share what it’s like to be me, my struggles, my dreams, everything and anything I’ve wanted to blog about but have felt stifled to do on my other blog!

I know this blog is not likely to have tens of thousands of readers each month like my other blog and it is probably not going to fill my mailbox with checks, but if it is a safe haven for me to express myself and if there are a few of you who eventually come to read it and can relate to my experiences then it has served its purpose.

If you’d like to hear the previously unsaid thoughts of an anonymous professional blogger, please become a Google follower on the right hand side of the blog!

Thanks for stopping by,